spiritual metaphysics, black woman, crystal, gemstones spirituality
spiritual metaphysics, black woman, crystals, gemstones, spirituality
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The Metaphysical Crystal Properties
Blue Celestite offers a gentle, uplifting energy which can raise and expand one's awareness into the higher realms. It is one of the most effective stones for accessing the angelic realm.
Selenite is a high energy crystal. This cluster brings the protective element of the universal life force to you in a powerful way. This is a "home stone" formation. Put it in a central place in your house to both guard it physically, and to bring spiritual protection to the home.
Amazonite is a stone of tranquility, peace, and protection from the undesirable elements of life. It can serve as a real barrier against the undesirable elements of your life that are affecting your spirit and joy.
LaSonya Abdallah
-Owner of KMT Solution Services LLC
-Writer, Spiritual Advisor and Healer
-AAT in Accounting of Applied Technology
-BFA in Visual Communications
-Certified as a Holistic Practitioner of Reflexologist From The Integrated Healing Arts located in New York City.
Nothing Is Impossible With God
Just because something is difficult it doesn't mean that it's not what God has planned for us. When we hit roadblocks its not always a sign that we are headed down the wrong path. It is so easy to start thinking like this when things don't go our way. We must have faith.
Nothing is impossible with God. If our journey isn’t exactly what we imagined, or we’re feeling doubt, we need to give it to God. Trust that a little faith will allow us to move mountains we can have faith that there is joy in the journey and a plan for our lives. Sometimes the uphill battles might be the only way to get to the end. But we will come out stronger, more faithful, more passionate, more trusting on the other side.
If you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain “Move from here to there,” and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you” Matthew 17:20 ESV